Monday, February 4, 2013

Going bananas

February 4, 2013

My son asked to pack his lunch again today. Hey, who am I to stop him from saving another $2. The leftover chili died today. It was delicious. It worked out great only making half a pot. I guess I need to rethink how much food I really need to cook. Just because ground beef comes in a pound package, doesn't mean that each meal has to use a pound. Healthier due to less red meat and another plus is that we won't get sick of leftovers if there is less of each food I cook.

I had the other half of ground beef to use up tonight. Yes! It is time for one of my all time favorite meals. Spaghetti. I'm not sure if it is because it is one of the very first foods that I learned to cook (thanks dad!) or if it is that my sister shared her homemade sauce recipe with me (which I have now in turn shared with many friends). Spaghetti is a sentimental dish for me but it is probably just because it is just so darn yummy!

It was an easy cooking night for me. All I had to do was brown up the ground beef and pour in a jar of my home canned spaghetti sauce (with home grown tomatoes and green peppers, mushrooms, and onions). I cooked some angel hair pasta and steamed some cauliflower and called it good.

I needed a dessert for us. I looked around the kitchen while making my grocery list today and saw that I still had 5 bananas. Kids are weird. One week they will eat every banana in sight. The next week they don't eat a single one. Ok, so how will I use up the bananas? I thought I would try to make a batch of banana oatmeal cookies. I wasn't sure what to expect because I had never made them before. Banana muffins? Yes. Banana bread? Yes. Banana cookies? Nope. The kids loved them. They turned out like a cross between a cookie and a muffin. If you are looking for the texture of a regular cookie, don't try banana oatmeal cookies. However, if you are looking for a little healthier option that still is in cookie form so you can stuff your face and not feel quite so guilty....banana oatmeal cookies are for you! (And me!).

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