Friday, August 2, 2013

Homemade pizza sauce; grocery savings

August 2, 2013

We started our day by heading to the farmer's market. I scored some pickling cucumber and a big bucket of tomatoes. Looks like my weekend just got a lot more busy! We dropped off our goodies at home and ate some of the leftover taco salad for lunch.

Ahh. Grocery day. My pre-challenge weekly average at the commissary was $175. Today I spent $30.05 on toiletries and cleaners. I spent $109.16 on food. I spent $4.72 on impulse items. My daughter wanted seaweed. Ha. Yes, you read that right. She wants my hubby to make sushi. I also grabbed macaroni and cheese and a pack of tofu. After adding in their surcharge and taking out my coupons, I spent $149.08 out of pocket. This is a savings of $25.92. My pre-challenge weekly restaurant average was $80. This was a bad week for the challenge. We went out for lunch just for the four of us one day. The next day we went out for lunch with our friend. She drove 14 hours to come visit us so we splurged and went out for a huge Japanese lunch and picked up the tab. It didn't help our challenge but there are some things that are more important than saving a buck....and our friend is one of them. :) We also didn't feel like cooking dinner one night so we went out to eat our the restaurant that our friends own. Are you ready for this total? We spent $165.23 this week. Yikes. This is over by $85.23. After taking the restaurant overage away from my weekly savings....yep, I ended up $59.31 in the hole. Ugh. I think this is the first week that has happened. It is frustrating not saving anything this week. It is disappointing to write a big fat ZERO as our savings this week. Our grand total savings is still $4,145.81 in 289 days.

My hubby helped me make a batch of homemade pizza sauce this afternoon. I got the recipe from my sister years ago (not sure where she got it from originally). I love this recipe and make it each summer. The sauce can be frozen or processed in a hot water bath canner for 30 minutes. Saute 1 cup of onion in olive oil until soft. Add 1 tablespoon of garlic and cook for two more minutes. Add 4 cups of peeled/seeded tomatoes, 6 ounces tomato paste, 1 tablespoon oregano, 1 teaspoon basil, 2 teaspoons sugar, 1/2 tablespoon salt, pepper, a bay leaf, 1 tablespoon thyme, and 1 teaspoon italian. Simmer for one hour. After it cools a little, put the sauce through the food processor (after removing the bay leaf).  We doubled the recipe today and got enough sauce for 7 pizzas.

We had a bonfire dinner tonight. We made pudgy pies which are a childhood favorite. Think grilled cheese sandwich style but cooked over a camp fire. We started off with pizza ones. Homemade sauce, onion, green/orange pepper, mushrooms, black olives, spinach, and mozzarella cheese. For dessert, we had blueberry pie filling pudgy pies.

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