Friday, January 11, 2013

My freezer wasn't "chili"

January 11, 2013

Today started out good. The kids both packed their lunch, saving $4. Yay kiddos. I had leftover chicken spaghetti and yellow squash. It was a little dry as leftovers but I was too lazy to get back up and add anything to it.

I cleaned out some of the kitchen cupboards today and found a box of jello that needed to get used up. I wanted something fun to do with it. I looked online and saw that someone used blue jello as "water" and put gummy fish in it for an aquarium. Well, I had red jello. Hmmmm. The kids and I came up with an idea. It is lava and some "people" fell in. The people were sour patch kids gummy's.

I planned on making a pot of chili tonight. I was going to do fun things with it. I was going to try chili with cauliflower and carrots in it. However, this is where my day turned bad. I went to get a pack of local hamburger out of the freezer and surprise! The freezer wasn't working. All my local beef, garbage. All my green beans from my garden, garbage. All my zucchini from my garden, garbage. Sigh. I was so upset. There goes chili. I didn't have any other meat that would thaw quickly. What do we do? Go out for pizza? I asked the kids if they wanted to go to Pizza Hut on our way to see a volleyball game. Would you believe it if I told you that the answer was no?? My daughter, the sweetie, said "mom, how about you go sit down and I'll make dinner". Keep in mind she is 9.

So tonight, my daughter measured, poured, stirred, simmered, and presented....tuna helper. My son (6 yrs old) took care of the side dish. He opened a jar of home canned green beans (I heated them though).  As she was scooping dinner onto our plates, she pauses and goes to the cupboard. She digs around until she finds just what she is looking for: parsley. She wanted to make the dinner "fancy" for my photo. Sigh. Thank you kiddos. Tomorrow is a new I think I need some chocolate.

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